Contact host

How do I contact a host ?

If you want to contact a host before booking a reservation or after a trip, send them a message on AirFinch.

Before booking a reservation

If you want to find out more about a listing or host before booking a reservation, you can message the host on AirFinch. Make sure to review the listing page (for example, reviews and amenities) to clarify anything you need from the host.

To send a message:

  1. On, go to the listing for the host you want to contact.
  2. Click Contact Host on the listing page.
  3. Enter the dates and number of guests for your trip. You can adjust this information before booking.
  4. Write your message and click Send Message.

For your safety and privacy, you can’t call or email hosts before your reservation is accepted. Learn more about why it’s good to keep communication and transactions on AirFinch.

Once a trip is confirmed

If you have an accepted reservation, you can call or email the host, or message them on the site to communicate about your trip.

You can find the host’s email and phone number in the message thread for your trip, where you can also send the host a message.

After a trip

After a trip, you can send a message to your host in your inbox if you have anything you need to follow up with them about.